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Home > Members > Account (Members) > How do I activate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)? (Members)
How do I activate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)? (Members)
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You can now enable or disable an additional layer of security for your Mednefits account. However, if your Corporate Account has enabled Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), you cannot disable it from your account as your corporate has mandated it.


Note: This feature is only available for accounts with a registered mobile number.


Follow steps below on how to enable the Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):


Step 1: Click on Settings and then click on Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) from Account Settings.



Step 2: Then, toggle the button to enable the Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for your Mednefits account.




Step 3: Once the Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) has been enabled, you are required to verify your OTP via SMS or Whatsapp upon every login.


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