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Home > Providers/Clinics > Account (Providers) > I forgot my password, how to reset it? (Provider)
I forgot my password, how to reset it? (Provider)
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Forget your password or having trouble logging in? Please follow the steps below on how to reset your password:

Step 1: Click on the Forgot Password? button.



Step 2: Enter your login email then click on Request and we will send you a link to get back into your account. 



Step 3: Click on the Set new password link and you will be led to reset your account with a new password. (Kindly ensure to reset your password within 24 hours as the link will be expired after 24 hours)



Step 4: Enter your new password and re-enter the new password for confirmation. Then click on Submit.



Step 5: A message of Your password has been reset! indicates that you have successfully reset your password. You may proceed to login into your provider portal with the new set of login credentials.




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