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Home > Members > Account (Members) > Security Update - Password Enhancement Exercise (Member)
Security Update - Password Enhancement Exercise (Member)
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Effective from 5 October 2022 onwards, all Mednefits members will need to update their existing passwords to adhere to our latest password requirements. This is to ensure your account security is at its best and that you can safely navigate the Mednefits app.

Please refer to the simple steps below on how to reset your password.


Step 1: Choose your country 



Step 2: Enter your Mobile No. or NRIC (NRIC is only available for Malaysia members)


Step 3: Enter your existing password and click on Continue.



Step 4: Select Reset My Password when prompted. (You may choose to skip this step but for security purposes, we seek your understanding to complete this step as soon as possible)



Step 5: You may choose to reset your password Via Whatsapp or Mobile No. or Email Address.  



Step 6: Enter your new password following the requirement and re-enter to confirm them. Then you may proceed to click on Reset Password to log in to your Mednefits app.




Once you have managed to log in to your Mednefits app indicate that your reset password attempt is successful. Moving forward, you may log in to your app as usual using the updated password.


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