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Showing articles from reset entitlement tag

Reset Entitlement: Enterprise plan

If your company is on the Enterprise plan, you are required to confirm Enterprise Headcount before their current benefits period ended for entitlement to be reset. **Step 1: **On Benefits page > **Reset Entitlement. **You are required to review and allocate entitlement. ![][1] Enterprise Headcount refers to the nu…

How do I reset entitlement for my employees?

The **Reset Entitlement page** will be available every 3 months before your employees' entitlement expiry date. Please note that this function is different from the initial Entitlement Allocation step or Balance Adjustment via the Manage Entitlement page. Companies with schemes funded by Cashback, Postpaid, and Prepa…

Reset Entitlement: Corporate with Schemes funded Cashback, Prepaid and Postpaid cards

Companies with schemes funded by Cashback, Postpaid, or Prepaid Cards would need to ensure your employees' reset entitlement is confirmed before their entitlement expiry period. To ensure your employees may continue with their benefits, simply follow the steps below: * * * **Step 1:** Navigate to the Benefits tab > …

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