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Home > HR/Administrators > Benefits > How do I adjust employees' entitlement period?
How do I adjust employees' entitlement period?
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We're always improving based on your feedback, recognizing your concerns and appreciating your input in enhancing our services.


Therefore, we are pleased to announce that, effective immediately, we have removed the restriction on benefits periods within employee profiles. Instead, we're introducing the freedom for you to effortlessly edit and adjust benefits periods through the newly implemented Manage Entitlement tab.


Simply follow the steps below to do so:


Step 1: Navigate to the Benefits > Manage Entitlement page.



Step 2: From there, you can use the search bar to search for the employee's name whom you wish to adjust the entitlement period based on their current tenure.



Step 3: Click on Allocate Entitlement to adjust the entitlement period accordingly.



Step 4: Click on the calendar icon under Entitlement Period to adjust the dates. Then click on Apply to confirm the adjustment.




Step 5: Next, click on Update Entitlement to finalize the adjustment.



A green banner will pop up to indicate the successful adjustment.



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