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Home > Providers/Clinics > Claims > Claim Submission Deadline
Claim Submission Deadline
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Effective January 2025, invoices will be generated on the 1st of the following month instead of the 7th. Claim is due by 31st of the same month at 2359h, which is before Mednefits invoice generation on the 1st of the following month.

Example: For January transactions’ claims, please submit the claims by 31 January 2359h, for them to be included in the upcoming invoice that will be generated on the 1st.


Any late claims will not be included in the same month’s invoice. You may submit the claim afterward (strictly no longer than 6 months from the date of transaction) and it will be included in another month’s invoice based on the date of claim submission. As such, we recommend submitting the claim immediately after a visit from a Mednefits member.


If you encounter any issues while filling up the claim submission form, please contact our Support team via email or call for assistance at +65 3163 5403 (SG) / +603 3099 5774 (MY).



Note: Claims submission applies only to provider accounts where it is required.

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