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Home > Members > Why does the Mednefits Mobile App crash when I open it?
Why does the Mednefits Mobile App crash when I open it?
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Help! The Mednefits Mobile App keeps crashing every time I try to open it. Even when I force close it, I cannot use it. What's going on? 


It is very likely that you are currently using an old version of the Mednefits Mobile App. Please ensure you have the most updated app by following these steps: 


Step 1: Remove (delete) the Mednefits App from your current device. Force closing the app is not enough. 


Step 2: Re-install the Mednefits App on the Google Play or Apple Store. If you're a Huawei user, please see this article I am a Huawei user, how can I download the latest version of Mednefits app? 


Step 3: Re-login with your mobile phone number and password. The mobile number number would need to be the same one provided by your Company HR when you were registered. 


If you are still experiencing issues logging in, please reach out to [email protected] or +65 3163 5403 (SG) / +603 3099 5774 (MY)

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