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Home > HR/Administrators > Account > How do I activate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)? (HR)
How do I activate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)? (HR)
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What is Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)?

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is a security process that requires users to provide two different authentication factors before granting access to their accounts.


The Importance of 2FA:


In today's digital age, safeguarding our online accounts has become more crucial than ever. With cyber threats on the rise, traditional password based authentication methods are no longer sufficient to protect sensitive information. This is where Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) steps in, offering an additional layer of security to prevent unauthorized access.


Therefore, to enhance the security of our users, Mednefits has launched new feature for HR to activate the 2FA within the HR portal for all of your employees. 


Note: For corporate accounts where 2FA has been mandated, members are not be able to disable 2FA. This ensures consistent security measures across the organization.


Simply follow the steps below on how to activate the 2FA within your HR portal:


Step 1: Navigate to Account > Additional Settings page.



Step 2: Then, toggle the button to enable the 2FA for all members account.



Step 3: Click on Confirm to enable the 2FA.



Step 4: A green banner will pop up to indicate a successful 2FA activation.



Once the 2FA has been enabled, HR and members are required to verify their OTP via SMS or Whatsapp upon every login.

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